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What Happens at a Workers’ Comp Permanency Hearing?

by | May 14, 2024 | Federal Workers' Compensation

A workers’ comp permanency hearing is a crucial step in determining the long-term benefits you may receive after a workplace injury. At Katz, Leidman, Freund & Herman, we understand how stressful and confusing this process can be. This blog will guide you through what to expect at a workers’ comp permanency hearing, helping you feel more prepared and informed.

What is a Workers’ Comp Permanency Hearing?

What Happens at a Workers' Comp Permanency Hearing?

A permanency hearing is scheduled when the injured worker’s treating physician believes you have reached maximum medical improvement (MMI). This means that your condition has stabilized, and no further significant improvement is expected. The purpose of the hearing is to evaluate the extent of your permanent impairment and determine the compensation you are entitled to receive.

How To Prepare for a Workers’ Comp Permanency Hearing

Preparing for a workers’ comp permanency hearing is essential to ensure that your case is presented effectively and that you receive the benefits you deserve. At Katz, Leidman, Freund & Herman, we understand the importance of thorough preparation. Here are key steps to take as you get ready for your permanency hearing:

Gather Medical Documentation

  • Medical Records: Collect all relevant medical records, including reports from your treating physician, diagnostic test results, and any hospital records related to your injury.
  • Independent Medical Examination (IME) Report: Ensure you have the report from the independent medical examiner chosen by the insurance company. This document will be a central piece of evidence during the hearing.
  • Treatment Notes: Include notes and records of all treatments you have received, such as physical therapy, surgeries, and follow-up appointments.

Obtain Expert Opinions

  • Treating Physician Statement: Request a detailed statement from your treating physician about your condition, the extent of your impairment, and its impact on your ability to work.
  • Vocational Experts: If your ability to work has been affected, consider obtaining a report from a vocational expert. This expert can provide testimony about your limitations and how they impact your employment opportunities.

Prepare Your Testimony

  • Personal Statement: Be prepared to testify about your injury, the treatments you have undergone, and how the impairment affects your daily life and ability to work.
  • Practice Testifying: Practice answering potential questions with your workers’ compensation lawyer to ensure you can clearly and confidently present your case. Be honest and detailed in your responses.

Review Legal Documents

  • Previous Hearing Records: If there have been prior hearings related to your workers’ comp case, review the transcripts and decisions. Understanding previous rulings can help you and your lawyer prepare for the current hearing.
  • Claim File: Go through your entire workers’ comp claim file with your lawyer to ensure that all necessary documents and evidence are accounted for and correctly filed.

Work with Your Lawyer

  • Strategy Planning: Discuss your case strategy with your lawyer. They will help identify the key points to emphasize and any potential weaknesses that need addressing.
  • Evidence Presentation: Ensure all evidence is organized and ready to be presented. Your lawyer will handle the submission of evidence and the examination of witnesses during the hearing.

Understand the Hearing Process

  • Hearing Format: Familiarize yourself with the format of the hearing. Know what to expect during opening statements, evidence presentation, witness testimonies, cross-examinations, and closing statements.
  • Judge’s Role: Understand that the judge will review all evidence and testimonies to make a decision. Being respectful and clear in your communications with the judge is crucial.

Plan for Contingencies

  • Appeals Process: Be aware of the steps to take if the hearing decision is not in your favor. Your compensation benefits lawyer can guide you through the appeals process and help you prepare for any additional hearings.
  • Financial Planning: Consider the financial implications of the hearing outcome. Plan for any potential delays in receiving benefits and discuss interim support options with your lawyer.

What Happens at a Workers’ Comp Permanency Hearing?

A workers’ comp permanency hearing is a crucial step in determining the long-term benefits injured workers may receive after a workplace injury. At Katz, Leidman, Freund & Herman, we understand how stressful and confusing this process can be. This guide will help you understand what to expect during a workers’ comp permanency hearing.

During the Hearing

Opening Statements

Both your workers’ compensation benefits lawyer and the insurance company’s lawyer may make brief opening statements outlining their positions regarding your permanent impairment. These statements set the stage for the evidence and arguments to follow.

Presentation of Evidence

Your workers’ comp lawyer will present medical evidence, including the independent medical examiner’s (IME) report and any additional medical documentation that supports your case. This evidence helps establish the extent of your permanent impairment. Witnesses, such as your treating physician or vocational experts, may also be called to testify about your condition and its impact on your ability to work.


The insurance company’s lawyer will have the opportunity to cross-examine any witnesses presented by your side. This includes questioning your treating physician or any vocational experts. Your lawyer will also cross-examine the insurance company’s witnesses to challenge their evidence and arguments.


You may be asked to testify about your injury, the treatments you have undergone, and how the impairment affects your daily life and ability to work. Your testimony provides personal insight into your condition and its impact.

Closing Statements

Both lawyers will summarize their arguments and present their case for the level of permanency benefits you should receive. These statements are critical as they synthesize all the evidence and testimonies presented during the hearing.

After the Hearing


The judge will review all the evidence and testimony presented during the hearing. After careful consideration, a written decision will be issued, outlining the extent of your permanent impairment and the benefits awarded. The decision will detail the compensation you are entitled to based on the severity of your impairment.


If you or the insurance company disagree with the judge’s decision, you have the right to appeal. An appeal must be filed within a specific timeframe, and the process involves additional hearings and legal procedures. Your lawyer can guide you through the appeals process if necessary.

How a NYC Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Can Help

At Katz, Leidman, Freund & Herman, we understand the complexities and challenges involved in navigating the workers’ compensation process in New York City. Our experienced workers’ compensation lawyers are dedicated to helping you secure the benefits you deserve. Here are the key ways we can assist you:

Comprehensive Case Evaluation

We will assess your situation to determine the strength of your claim and identify the benefits you are entitled to receive. This evaluation helps us develop a strategic plan tailored to your specific needs.

Accurate Filing of Claims

We assist in accurately completing and submitting all necessary paperwork to avoid delays and denials. Our meticulous approach ensures that your claim is thoroughly documented and filed correctly.

Gathering Crucial Evidence

Our workers’ compensation attorneys will collect essential medical records, witness statements, and other crucial evidence to support your claim. We ensure that all evidence is organized and presented effectively to strengthen your case.

Negotiating with Insurers

We handle all communications with insurance companies to ensure you receive fair compensation. Our negotiation skills help protect your rights and maximize the benefits you are entitled to.

Appealing Denied Claims

If your initial claim is denied, we will represent you in the appeals process. This includes preparing and presenting your case at hearings, ensuring that all aspects of your claim are thoroughly addressed.

Maximizing Benefits

We identify all potential benefits you may be eligible for, including medical treatment, wage replacement, and disability benefits. Our goal is to ensure you receive comprehensive support for your recovery.

Providing Legal Representation

We advocate for your rights in court if necessary, providing experienced representation to achieve the best possible outcome. Our dedication to your case ensures that you are well-represented throughout the legal process.

Advising on Settlement Offers

We review and negotiate settlement offers to ensure they fully cover your needs and future expenses. Our guidance helps you make informed decisions about accepting or rejecting settlement proposals.

Protecting Against Retaliation

If you face retaliation from your employer for filing a workers’ compensation claim, we advise you on your rights and take action to protect you. Ensuring your safety and well-being is our top priority.

Contact Us for Experienced Workers’ Compensation Support

If you need help navigating the workers’ compensation process, Katz, Leidman, Freund & Herman is here to provide experienced guidance and representation. Contact us today for a consultation and let us help you secure the benefits you deserve. Your path to recovery and justice starts with us.