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What Can You Expect from a Virtual Hearing?

by | Dec 2, 2021 | Workplace Injuries

With the current lean of society, virtual hearings will likely continue to be the most common method of handling hearings for the foreseeable future. Because of this, more people may have the opportunity to rectify issues or seek a hearing than usual.

It is thus important to understand what you can expect from a virtual hearing, which can help you prepare when moving forward.

Follow court directions

For The People discusses the details and more information about a virtual hearing, which will likely continue to hold a prominent role in the months to come. Much of the work of the legal system happens virtually nowadays, which means your hearing will likely end up conducted over video or telephone conference.

First, keep in touch with your attorney and the court. The court will issue a time and date for your hearing, ensuring that you have everything you need for your attendance on that day. Ensure that you have enough time to prepare by checking your email, phone inbox and other forms of contact often for the messages containing this information.

Attending a virtual hearing will also require several things from you. This includes a tablet, computer or phone with a microphone and camera built in, quality internet access and the app that the court will use for your video or telephone conference. Some popular apps include Zoom, Google Meet and Skype, but the court will tell you their preferred platform. Additionally, if your devices do not have a microphone or camera, you can buy external ones to use.

Prep before the hearing

When the time comes for the hearing, stay in a quiet space free of disturbances. Follow court instructions, log into the app on time, and test all devices before the hearing begins. The hearing will proceed as an in-person one would, albeit you may run into issues like technological difficulties that can make things a little slower or more awkward. On a whole, though, this is the only major change.