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New York Cemetery Workers File Lawsuit for Racism

by | Mar 19, 2013 | Uncategorized

The Historical Landmark Woodlawn Cemetery in the Bronx is under fire at present, after four workers chose to file a federal lawsuit against the establishment because of civil rights violations. Workers claim that the president of the cemetery and many of the officials at the location display racism and retaliate against anyone who speaks out against their unjust practices.


Workers say that they have been abused based on their race, and they have not gotten numerous community groups involved in their efforts. Supervisor at Woodlawn systematically discriminate against minority workers, according to their reports. As well, many workers claim that regardless of their race, if they brought up the issue of retaliation they were bullied and abused. Four brave plaintiffs chose to take this issue to court, and described an extremely hostile work environment before a judge at Woodlawn.

Minority workers say that they were constantly subject to racial jokes and slurs at the cemetery, and that Woodlawn punished outspoken and intolerant workers by assigning them to dangerous jobs. Some of these jobs even resulted in severe injuries, and the workers believe that they were being persecuted for standing up for what is right. One community supporter says that the workers are now looking to the federal courts to expound justice.

Another activist group in the area is asking for the community to form a committee that will help to reform the practices at the cemetery and prevent future acts of discrimination. If you have been abused, discriminated against, or harmed because of your race or because you spoke out against an employer, then you deserve to be compensated for the mistreatment.

As well, you should start a lawsuit in order to publicize the offense that has taken place and ensure that your employers to not get away with unconstitutional and unfair activities and treatments. Hire a lawyer at Katz, Leidman, Freund & Herman today if you want more information about litigation in a situation like this one. These New York worker’s compensation attorneys are dedicated to fighting for the rights of employees in this area.