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Crane Accidents Result in Injuries and Deaths in New York

by | Jan 14, 2013 | Workers' Compensation

Large cranes are a common sight on construction sites in New York, and are used to transport materials in new buildings or replacing components such as air conditioners, or other improvements to an existing structure. On January 10, 2013, a crane collapsed in Queens, leading to serious injuries for seven workers. Subsequently the license for the crane operator was suspended, as it was found that the load was more than twice the allowed capacity for the crane. The company that owns the crane, the New York Crane and Equipment Corp., was also the crane company in an accident in 2008 in which two men died.

The crane accident in Queens involved a 200-foot crane used in a condo development along the East River. The crane fell and apparently cut through the building framework, causing severe damage to the project, as well as to the seven injured workers, three of which were reported to have been seriously injured in the accident. The injuries are reported as serious, including broken bones.

In another unrelated incident, a man was killed in a crane accident when an industrial cooling component fell when being moved by a crane, crushing the man’s body and fatally wounding him. Crane companies have many safety requirements, but crane accidents leading to injury or death continue to be a problem in the state. A mechanical failure or operator negligence can mean a sudden death, serious or permanent injury.

If you have been injured in a construction accident, such as a crane collapse or other serious incident, ensure you have your right to compensation protected by a seasoned New York workers’ compensation law firm. Katz Leidman Grossman Wolfe & Freund is known for their high level of professionalism and results in this area of the law. Give our firm a call today to discuss your case!