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Caught-In and Caught-Between Injuries are Often Catastrophic

by | Dec 5, 2020 | Workplace Injuries

In order to track statistical risks faced by workers in various industries, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) differentiates among different kinds of accidents. It then tracks the number of injuries and deaths that occur in those industries as a result of these accidents.

Of all the types of workplace accidents that you could suffer, caught-in and caught-between situations could easily be some of the most horrific. These kinds of workplace incidents are responsible for catastrophic and often fatal injuries to workers.

Machinery, building materials and vehicles often cause worker injuries

As you can probably guess from the name, a caught-in or caught-between incident involves a human body either caught in a machine or caught between two objects. These kinds of accidents may cause traumatic injury ranging from broken bones and amputations to traumatic brain injuries and paralysis.

A worker might get a shoelace caught in a machine, which leads to their leg getting pulled in to that device. Someone might back up a vehicle and crush a worker against a wall or a stack of building materials.

Workers often can’t avoid getting hurt in a caught-in or caught-between scenario

These incidents often occur in a matter of seconds and can easily leave the affected individuals with lifelong injuries. If you or a loved one has suffered severe injuries in a caught-in or caught-between incident, you may have the right to seek compensation.

Workers’ compensation could be an option, as well as a third-party lawsuit if defective equipment played a role in the incident. Talking with a lawyer can give you a better idea about the next steps for you to take.