If you were recently injured in a work-related accident or if you’re suffering from an occupational (work-related) disease, you’ll want to learn about the workers’ compensationclaim process – when and how to file a claim. Because, if you don’t follow the proper...
Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars Won For Injured New Yorkers
Workers’ Compensation
What Counts as an Occupational Disease in NY?
Across the nation, workers’ compensation involves two types of claims: claims involving workplace accidents and claims involving “occupational diseases.” Typically, a workplace accident will result in injuries, which can be temporary or permanent. Some injuries will...
What Are the Medical Treatment Guidelines?
What are the Medical Treatment Guidelines and how do they apply to injured workers on Long Island and throughout New York State? The Guidelines were created to ensure that injured workers receive the best possible medical care after their workplace injury, so the...
Is My Employer Committing Workers’ Comp Fraud?
Fraud, it seems to permeate virtually every aspect of our financial lives, especially when it has to do with money or cash benefits. As a New York workers’ compensation firm, we can tell you that employers have been committing fraud for as long as they’ve been...
What is a Return to Work Program?
As an injured or ill worker, you understand the challenges associated with filing a workers’ compensation claim. You have to live on less income. You worry about returning to work. And, you may be concerned about losing your job if your absence is too long. In this...
Workers’ Compensation: Are You a Victim of Discrimination?
Across the country, workers’ compensation is a no-fault system. This means that employees can file claims regardless of whose fault it is – whether the employer is to blame, the employee is to blame, a third party is to blame, or it was a fluke accident. Years ago, it...
Workers’ Compensation for Out-of-State Employees
In New York, most employees are covered by workers’ compensation. But, how does it work if the employer is in another state, but the employee lives here? Or, how does it work if the employer is located in New York, but it employs workers who live in other states?...
Were You Injured in the Line of Duty?
If you’re a volunteer firefighter, your health and safety are important and understandably, you’re probably concerned about workers’ compensation coverage in case you’re injured while fighting a fire. Fortunately, there are laws in place that should help take care of...
Are Federal Employees Covered by Workers’ Compensation?
People get injured in workplace accidents every day; it doesn’t matter if they work for a private employer, a non-profit organization, a local, state or federal government. But when it comes to workers’ compensation coverage, the nature of their employment dictates...
Disability for Off-the-Job Injuries
Under New York workers’ compensation laws, most employees are covered by their employer’s workers’ compensation insurance if: 1) the employee is injured on the job, 2) the employee becomes ill with an occupational disease, or 3) the employee is injured offsite, but...